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​Integrated core system for fashion business


​Characteristics of management reform AP+

​Management reform AP has evolved further into AP+. This software is designed for enhanced retail functionality and ease of use, and is fully integrated with everything from store planning to maps and analysis.

​Comprehensively manage everything from planning to sales with simple operations and provide comprehensive support for apparel operations

What kind of management system is necessary for apparel management?'' We have been researching for over 20 years in search of the answer. One answer was that a system is "meaningless if it is not integrated!" And management reform AP was completed. This system covers everything from planning to production, sales, and inventory management, and can cover the entire business required for apparel. The system has further evolved. Management reform AP+ has further evolved the know-how gained from many years of experience and has been revised to suit the times, and all functions have been added. ​​​


・Fully integrated sales/production planning and store management functions - Significant expansion of purchasing and product purchasing management functions

・Product analysis function and production analysis function have been significantly expanded.

・Improved functionality for ease of use and versatility

・Improved security function

・Complete integration of numerical planning and visuals

・Current product status (sales, inventory, order status) can be centrally managed on the MD map

・Understand the condition with the MD map and drill down to detailed analysis

・There is no longer a need to create expensive and unusable software like before. Management Reform AP+, this software will change the way you see the world.

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​​Internal efficiency

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​OP progression (MAP)

​Drill down to all tasks while looking at the entire process. Since input data can be directly searched and registered, even those who do not understand the menu can check the data.

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​Production performance table

​Compare the cost calculation at the time of order and the production cost. Material losses during production, increases in labor costs, losses caused by B-products, etc. are automatically calculated, allowing you to understand the actual cost.

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